BE HAPPY!!! Why do people delight in the plight of others Why would anyone cook up stories just to paint others black One moment you're in high spirits And the next moment, you're down Just because someone has said negative things about you that aint true If you decide to dwell on these things, you'll never be happy Just relax and know that things tend to get tough just when you're about hitting the jackpot Stay strong and let the hurt build you up for greater things to come That's exactly what I'm gonna do I'll let nothing hold me back Happy me!! Yipee..................................!!!!!!! Loadz of love Mmmmmwuaaaaahhhh!!!!!!
Showing posts from July, 2013
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So I'm in my room reading when my friend comes in looking sad.. Reason being that she has received a letter for an interview in London Then I go like why the sad face because that is certainly goodnews She shakes her head saying "how am I going to get the money for the trip?" This has certainly got me thinking..... It is such a huge opportunity for her But she doesn't know what to do What will you do in such a situation? We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for something good to come up Worry not friend, something good is gonna happen...... To all those in this kinda situation Do not fret All is certainly well Good day to you all Mmmmwuaaaahhh!!
LIFE AS IT IS.........
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Life is very interesting indeed.... We come out of our mother's womb Looking all tiny and sweet Then as the days go by, We tend to grow and grow Life as kids is interesting..... No worries, no thinking All we do is sleep, wake Play, cry and laugh all day And oh, wish we could become adults All in the name of "I wanna do what I want" Life as adults is equally interesting... Lots of worries and thinking We have to pay the bills And many other troubles follow Then, we wish we could be kids again How fascinating............................... To the kids out there, Don't be in a hurry to grow Enjoy your childhood as it lasts And to the oldies, Enjoy your adulthood Though it comes with lots of responsibilities, It comes also with lots of fun and achievement Blessings and peace to you all.... Lots of love..... Mmmmwuaaahhh!!!!