Preparation towards the burial was unimaginably painful. She had a full life ahead of her only to be   cut abruptly. Her demise left the girls astonished. They wondered if it was worth loving a man that much. What a shame it had to end this way.
It was so unexpected. Anytime Aria had tried taking her life, someone was always in time to save her but that was not to be this time around.     
Keith tried to be helpful but the girls dint want him around and they very well made it clear to him. It was his entire fault to begin with and they couldn’t stand his sight. He tried helplessly to reach out to the girls but they wouldn’t have it. 
Keith couldn’t believe Aria took her life because of him. He hadn’t meant for it to end that way. Ever since Aria caught him in bed with Julie, things hadn’t remained the same; she dint trust him no more so he thought he was doing them both a favor when he suggested the breakup.   
Apparently, he had been wrong. He loved her too much and didn’t understand why he hadn’t resisted the seductive Julie. He could have avoided her but he dint. Aria wasn’t supposed to be in town that day. He was shocked to have her barge in on them that evening.
 If only he could turn back the hands of time.  The thought of having lost her forever kept him weeping his heart out. He tried reaching out to the girls on several occasions but they shut him out which was expected in this situation but he still wished they could accept him and mourn their loss together.  
Friends and family tirelessly tried reaching Keith but to no avail. He hadn’t been to the office for almost a month and this got them worried. He wasn’t picking their calls and neither was he answering the doorbell.
 Finally, after a month of subjecting himself to misery over the death of Aria, Keith answered the distressed call of his Mom. She quickly went over to his place after speaking to him. He was a sight to behold.
He hadn’t been eating and showering hadn’t been part of his schedules. Weeping and self-blame had been all he had done for the past month. His mom run the bath for him and helped him to the bathhouse.
She then went to the kitchen to fix him soup since he looked sick and dehydrated. Getting him to eat after showering was a battle but his mom finally won the fight. He drunk the soup and lay in the couch where he had been housing his body for the past month.
Keith’s mom cleaned the kitchen after his meal and went back to meet him weeping in the couch. It was disheartening seeing her son in this state. She hugged and tried consoling him. She tried to dissuade him from blaming himself but he wouldn’t hear of it. She finally had to give up talking and just hold him in her arms.               
She had loved Aria too. She was such a bubbly soul who cheered anyone who had the privilege of meeting her acquaintance. She was mad when she inquired her welfare some months back only for her son to tell her they had broken off their relationship. ‘She was the best thing that happened to her son and it hurt a lot knowing she was forever gone now ; Death could be so cruel especially through one’s own hands ; God rest her soul’; were her thoughts.                                       


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