The moon illuminated in its glorious beauty. The stars did not fail to display their artistic abilities in the sky. Their unified qualities drew the attention of many and this included Jenny, who sat on her picnic mat right in the center of the playing field, trying to capture the image on paper. The excitement from the people around created a lot of noise but this did not seem to distract her. She was in a whole new world with creation enveloped around her, its wonderful mystery screaming to be unraveled. She smiled with satisfaction after her lovemaking with the heavenly bodies on paper. It was a piece to die for. She quickly picked herself off the mat and sauntered off.

Morning came too quickly. “I just hopped into bed and it’s morning already?” “Dang!” she slowly crawled out of bed and into the shower. The harshness of the cold water on her body woke her sleepy senses up. She brushed, flossed her teeth and fixed her cookies and cream flavored Herbalife shake. She loved her shakes; they were simply delicious and easy to make. She had decided to diet a couple of weeks ago and a friend introduced her to the shakes. Her initial response was disheartening with the thought that it was going to taste dreadful but so wrong was she. She is now their biggest fan; taking on their herbal beverage and Aloe concentrate drink.

She was halfway done with her shake when she heard Rhea honking her horn. That was her cue to hurry. She brushed her hair, threw on her scarf, and rushed out of the house with her bag and shake in hand. “Oh Jenny!” “You had to carry that along?”- referring to the shake. “Of course I do.” Breakfast is the most important meal, remember?” “Besides, I slept late last night and forgot to set the alarm so woke up quite late.” “I’m sorry.” “That’s fine Jen.”Rhea sped off trying to make it to work before time whiles Jenna went on and on about what took place the night before.

Working in a bank was not her dream career. She wanted to be free; do what makes her happy but life happened. She had bills to pay and running an art gallery in this part of town was not going to cut it. She had to put her happiness aside and do what she had to. Growing up with both parents, life was a bliss and full of beautiful dreams. Her dad worked with one of the prestigious law firms and was well respected by many. The Fitzgerald name was a priceless jewel to wear. Jenny was one of three children born to her parents and being the last, she was pampered and shown so much love. 

In her Spanish class one beautiful afternoon, she was called to the principal’s office, together with her siblings. Little did she know that her lovely day was about to be tainted. Her parents had been caught up in a gang fight. Their mum died instantly with gruesome shots to her head and chest area. Her dad however survived and was in critical condition at the Saint Joseph’s Hospital. They stood spellbound and unable to comprehend what was being said. At that very instance, everything was drab.


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