Eagles fly up
Souring high above the clouds
There they see the earth
Clad in its utmost beauty
Created in perfection
The perfect work of a perfectionist
A creativity not known to man

The waters separate from land
Water with its mighty force
Could have drowned the earth in a heartbeat
But my, it stays in its place
Not wanting to upset its creator

The sun, moon and stars
Should have all fallen by now
But nay, they stay put up there
Gloriously doing their bid

The ant, one of the tiniest creatures
Going about its business down there
Looks up and admires creation
Stars shining bright in the night sky
Moon in the shape of an orange or banana
Trees standing tall with fruits hanging sweet
Birds flying and singing as they go

What more could we ask for?
Why then do we lament?
We have a creator who’s got our back
Making all things beautiful
Even when we deserve less

Things are gonna go sour, yes
But they ain’t gonna stay so forever
Rejoice and admire the lil’ things
The tiny baby that comes forth from a woman’s womb
Such wonder; ain’t He awesome

The tears that flow freely from our eyes
In times of joy and sorrow
The unexpected farts
The smile that forms on our faces
And the little reflexes that we experience
Oh what wonder there is to behold


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